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Writer's pictureIsabella Campolattaro


When God echoes themes from multiple voices, I’m awed to pause and ponder what He’s saying. It must be important. There are no coincidences!

At church Sunday our pastor preached on unity our of Ephesians 4:4-6. Sound familiar? I was moved to post on the same passage earlier last week, waking up early to create a heart-laden “1” about unity in Christ.

Earlier still, I posted two messages on unity already this year. The first week in June, during a God-ordered silent retreat, He compelled me to read and re-read Ephesians (along with Matthew plus), which I did in multiple translations, marinating. I soon discovered my church was starting a series on Ephesians.

Okay, God, I’m listening. Help me hear.

Unity is evidently on God’s mind, along with other power-packed themes from Paul’s letter to church in Ephesus. The ESV study Bible folks neatly summarize the book:

“(1) Christ has reconciled all creation to himself and to God

(2) Christ has united people from all nations to himself and to one another in his church

(3) Christians must live as new people.”

Other Ephesian nuggets:

• Two soaring prayers to know the incomparable fullness of love, wisdom, power plus we have in Christ. (1:17-23 & 3:14-21)

• The familiar warning that we’re fighting spirits, not people, and to don the armor of God and pray continuously.

My recent reading also revealed an inspiring sense of imminent fulfillment, a sweeter end-time take than what we’re hearing these days. Mind you, John’s the very first of John’s church letter in Revelation is to Ephesus, with a warning that they repent and return to their first love and practices, lest they lose their lampstand (Rev.2:1-7).

Yeesh! God forbid!

It’s only six chapters, people! Soak up Ephesians and share what you glean!


Thank you that your word is truly alive and active. Help us read it that way so we can be empowered to navigate these unusual times with grace, courage, and wisdom. In Jesus’ name I ask it. Amen. Thank You. I love You.

 #unity #love💖

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