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Writer's pictureIsabella Campolattaro

Feeding the Trees, Pulling the Weeds

I want to be blessed, aka happy. Don’t you? The Psalms start with a clear path to blessedness, including both caution and direction. Simply put, we’re blessed if we avoid hanging with or seeking advice from the wicked and those who ridicule or have contempt for God.

Racing ahead to Paul’s words in Corinthians, bad company corrupts (15:33). No doubt! Even under our sincere pretense of seeking and saving the lost, we can find ourselves frogs in water, slowly losing our way and not even realizing we’ve been wooed away from true blessedness. Been there. Done that!

Psalm 1 also tells us that the road to blessedness is to delight in and “meditate on God’s word day and night.” God’s word is full power! In so doing, God tells us we’ll be like well-watered trees, fruit-filled and evergreen—no matter what. I want that, too!

On the other hand, the wicked will pass away to destruction. Yikes!

And who are the wicked? Folks who vape? Murderers? Have premarital sex? Republicans or Democrats?

No! Apart from Christ, we’re all wicked.

The very Good News is in Christ, we are counted righteous, if only we BELIEVE (Romans 3:22, 10:9). So Believe!

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