Dear Friends:
Here's another update. I've been asking God about what to let go for Lent. I don't usually observe Lent, but felt led to this year. I'm really, really wanting to tune into God's gentle voice and I find fasting with intention and an open heart truly helps.
Yesterday morning, during my quiet time, I sensed a somewhat unwelcome gentle whisper to give up social media. All of it. I admit I was a little resistant, though I also admit I sensed this was coming. I asked for confirmation and got it in nearly stone tablet form. Again, this is just the latest invitation in a process that started a while ago.
During a 21-day fast in January, He suggested I cut back on blogging, which had become a pressured, time-consuming, religious activity rather than a joy or calling, and was competing with my personal writing goals and other writing work, which pays the mortgage and is also deeply spiritually meaningful and demanding.
I was hung up by some fear. Though social media engagement is challenging for me--both in terms of time and temperament--agents and publishers don't even want to talk to you unless you already have an ardent following of 30 trillion people (slight exaggeration) 😉. What if everyone forgets me? I thought. There's some ego in that and ego has little to do with God.
Moreover, what I heard in my heart is, "God is either everything or He is nothing." I have to entrust my writing ambitions, desires, purpose, audience, friends, and family--the whole enchilada--to HIM. I know He's up to something right now, and I want to be fully present to whatever that is. Social media is a distraction and some of the content I see is very much at odds with where my heart is right now. Plus, again, self-centered fear has little to do with God.
Thus, I am giving up all social media for Lent.
Maybe you're thinking, "Isabella, why the long-winded-Isabella-style explanation for all this?" The answer is that I'm inviting you to tune into what God is asking you to let go (big or small) and to join me in risking responding to His prompt. Maybe we can swap notes after Easter...A fine time to share about spiritual revelation about Christ's work for, in, and through us.
I may still post a blog on my website if He says so, and I have a few upcoming Guideposts entries you can read on paper. I will keep Messenger on my phone and you're welcome to email me.
Until then, many blessings during this time of anticipating the abundant, healing promise of Easter. ✝️💜☮️