Have you ever noticed that some days you feel serene, free, hopeful, and powerful, and other days, you're just barely scraping by, disheartened, despairing, and befuddled? Your circumstances can be exactly the same, but you feel lousy?
Often, those dark days are the days you don't feel like praying, praising, thanking, worshiping, or connecting with God or anyone else.
No judgment. How quickly I forget! (Yesterday!)
Feelings aren't facts, and we have an arsenal of tools to help us combat discouragement so we can stand strong and fulfill our callings to serve God and others with our God-given gifts.
Paul's encouraging, equipping, unifying, and empowering letter to the Ephesian church includes two outstanding prayers you can pray daily or anytime you feel down. This one’s first.
Ephesians concludes with a potent reminder that we have a foe who wants to bring us down, but we have God's mighty power to stand strong.
Pray, put on the armor (6:10-20), and let's go! It's more important than ever!
I hope you'll print this prayer out and join me in praying it each morning for a week and report back on how you feel! 💖💪🏽🙌🏼